In each issue, we spotlight one Asian country and showcase its inspiring local stories to bring you valuable new sustainable business insights. With the Cherry Blossoms season in full bloom, we made our first stop in central Japan, exploring one remarkable FSC project certification initiative after another. The outcome is a curation of stories that will transport you into the sublime harmony between humanity and nature.
One person who left a mark on this journey was our interviewee Mr Shigeki Kita, who has made it his life’s work to build cozy residences that embrace happiness and wellness. His infectious energy has been bringing people together in his community, and his sharing transformed an otherwise mundane interview into a profoundly heartwarming dialogue.
It’s time for thanks. We cannot thank the FSC Japan team enough for their immense support, and all of the interviewees for their cooperation. Without you, the maiden voyage of FSC Made in Asia-Pacific would not have set sail.
在每期雜誌,我們會挑選一個亞洲國家作主題,透過精選的地方案例為大家帶來具參考價值的永續營商靈感。在櫻花盛放的季節,我們率先走訪日本中部,探索多個出色的 FSC Project Certification 項目認 證建築作品,帶領讀者沉浸於人與自然和諧共生的絕美協奏之中。值得一提,我們其中一位受訪對象,喜多茂樹社長一直抱持建築讓居 住者健康生活的房屋為企業宗旨。他的拼勁與感染力成功連繫了社區及人心,令本來單調的商業訪談變成充滿溫度的分享。 我們在此衷心感謝 FSC 日本團隊傾力協助,以及所有受訪人士的全 面配合,《FSC Made in Asia-Pacific》創刊號才得以順利誕生。
Building an Eco-Utopian Dream Town 建構理想社區 人與自然和諧共生
要理解我們的受訪對象建築設計工程公司生態建築考房 ( エコ建築考房 ) 就由夢幻般的 FSC Project Certification 認證建築項目自然實木製兒童遊樂場「森之精靈 HaliPuu」( つなぐの森 ハリプー ) 開始。
To learn about our featured builder Eco Kenchikukoubou, start with a visit to Forest of Bonding HaliPuu (HaliPuu), the idyllic natural wood children’s playground.
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