FSC™ Sustainable Tropical Timber Trade Network and Information Hub An UN-REDD x FSC Lower Mekong Initiative

The Info Hub aims to connect market demand and supply to drive growth in the trade in legal and sustainable tropical timber and timber products. It is for all actors looking to learn more about timber certification and where to source certified timber in the Lower Mekong Region.


UN-REDD x FSC Lower Mekong Initiative

This initiative covers Cambodia, the Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam, and engages China as an important partner. Its aim is to reduce forest degradation and deforestation and promote sustainable forest management around the Lower Mekong region and beyond.

Sustainable Tropical Timber Trade Network

A network of certified suppliers and potential buyers. Businesses joining the network will help increase demand for products from certified forest areas, including those managed by smallholders, communities and tribes – improving livelihoods and business performance for all involved.


Sustainable Tropical Timber Trade Info Hub

A database of clear and simple information about FSC certification, country-specific requirements and legality requirements. It aims to educate and connect FSC-certified suppliers and other stakeholders along the tropical timber value chain.

The hub also contains information for those who are interested about what is happening with tropical timber in the region, regarding upcoming events, news and media article and experience sharing from businesses.