It is one of the biggest horticulture expositions, with gardens and pavilions presented by multiple countries, provinces within China, international NGOs, and businesses.

FSC’s exhibition, themed “A Green Journey”, demonstrates how our every day’s household items can be traced back to sustainable forests. FSC China partners with Tetra Pak, Stora Enso and Fengsheng Pulp and Paper to create a lively paper-made “forest” that connects visitors to nature, and telling them a vivid story of what “forests for all forever” means through our forest certification system – which also echoes the theme of the Expo 2019 “Live Green, Live Better”.


As the world’s most trusted sustainable forest management solution, FSC brings active changes to forests, market and people around the world. FSC promotes responsible forest management that is environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial and economically feasible.

FSC China will present a series of activities at and around its exhibition area during the expo, including FSC theme day and many interactive activities to raise consumer awareness. Stay tuned for more updates!