The event centred around two key themes: ‘Co-Creation’ and 'Amplifying Members' Voices', as it pursued the twin goals of growing membership and increasing member engagement.
From enlightening discussions on forest management to tackling complex issues, members were at the forefront of it all. Breakout sessions delved into various hot topics, from Indigenous rights to smallholder forestry advancements.
The meeting was not just about discussions; it was about creating a thriving community. Members shared innovative ideas and strengthened networks. It was an all-inclusive event where every voice mattered.
The event wasn't just inspiring; it was a platform for collaboration and knowledge-sharing like no other. It was about members coming together to make a tangible impact on our forests and communities in the Asia-Pacific region.

In summary, the FSC Regional Membership Meeting APAC in Ho Chi Minh City was an outstanding triumph, cultivating a welcoming and collaborative environment where every member's voice resonated and held significance. The road ahead shines brightly for FSC's mission of safeguarding our invaluable forests and the communities reliant upon them.